How to be a good writer: Tips from a bad one

As a writer, I have learned the harsh reality that not everyone will love what I write. On a daily basis, I struggle with knowing that what I create will be continuously up for critique, constructive criticism, and relentless editing. This is the burden all writers will inevitably face one day. I like to over-use the word ‘as’, and ‘-ing’, and ‘and’. I enjoy seeing … Continue reading How to be a good writer: Tips from a bad one

Pen, Conquerer of Anxiety

Right in this very moment, I smell like a week-old plate of french fries. Which is interesting, because I’ve been on a strict no-diabetes-in-a-red-box-of-sin diet. Deeper than that, stronger than this stench sticking to me like a second-skin, I am thumbing through my journal. It’s a leather-bound notebook, designed by Patricia Nash and gifted to me by my dear friend. Through out the day, it … Continue reading Pen, Conquerer of Anxiety

Ramen, my dearest

As a vegetarian who pushes aside all morals in the face of shrimp and salmon, I have found difficulty in eating at college. I have the incredible privilege to live in a dorm, which is the direct consequence of working as a college RA. Unfortunately, with that comes the meal plan, which I eat away with gallons of carbs coming in all forms. My favorite … Continue reading Ramen, my dearest

Smoothie, sweet, Smoothie

As I descend into Finals, I’m beginning to realize I’m losing a bet with myself. Or, I’m very nearly just about on the brink of losing. I decided after October not to drink coffee, and further than that, caffeinated drinks. That means all sodas were gone, which isn’t hard considering I seldom drank pop. But, even my most beloved tea. As a teenager in high … Continue reading Smoothie, sweet, Smoothie

Freshman Needs For College

Sending your student to the great unknown of college leads to frantic purchases and buyer’s remorse. As a first-generation college student, I wasn’t sure of what to expect my first two semesters at the University of Oklahoma. I overpacked, bought too much ramen, and found myself making useful purchases further into the semester as I began to get the hang of college life. For me, … Continue reading Freshman Needs For College

A College Girl’s Winter Must-Haves

As Winter begins to come toward Oklahoma at an ever rapid-pace, I feel it would be helpful to give fellow college students tips for the chilly season. Buy leggings, buy so many leggings This could be obvious, but it’s important enough to repeat for those in the back. For girls in college, leggings are already a must-have, but, unfortunately, as the weather becomes colder, midterms, … Continue reading A College Girl’s Winter Must-Haves

A book-ish day

On Saturday morning, I woke up to a text from my hometown boss, Kelly. Kelly is a fifty-something coffee-shop owner, who wears jean skirts and a clever smile. She asked me what I was doing, and although my heavy eyelids asked for two more hours of sleep, I told her I had a free day. To my surprise, Kelly shared a link to the Oklahoma … Continue reading A book-ish day